• This repository is archived

  • No longer maintained

  • All versions have been yanked from https://rubygems.org for releasing valuable namespace for others


Like a Typed Array, but it is more flexible than Type


Require Ruby 2.7 or later


require 'family'


list = Family.new Integer
list << 7      #=> 7
list << 1.0    #=> Exception
list << 1      #=> 1
list.inspect   #=> "Family<Integer>: [7, 1]

Not bound by “Type”

list = Family.new(/\A\S+\z/)
list << 'a b c' #=> Exception
list << 'abc'   #=> "abc"
list.inspect    #=> "Family</\A\S+\z/>: ["abc"]"

HighLayer Definition

list = Family.define { AND(Float, 3..6) }
list << 4       #=> Exception
list << 2.0     #=> Exception
list << 4.0     #=> 4.0
list.inspect    #=> "Family<AND(Float, 3..6)>: [4.0]"

The pattern builder DSL is just using eqq